Q & A's
Discussions with experts in their field and those passionate about particular topics relevant to parenthood such as: fertility, birth, postpartum, matrescence, emotional and physical wellbeing and more...
Q+A with Vicky Poole of Vicky Poole Coaching
Live Q&A with Sarah R. Moore of Dandelion Seeds Positive Parenting.
I am joined by Vicky Poole of Vicky Poole: Ancestral Healing & Coaching talks with me about Conscious Parenting, the "do-over" to use with our children, rear-view mirror syndrome and the value of laughter in relation to Conscious Parenting & to support learning and connection.
I'm joined by Sarah R. Moore of Dandelion Seeds Positive Parenting, an acclaimed author, and leading Parenting Coach talking about how to positively parent during the pandemic / stressful times and the value of laughter as part of positive parenting.
Live Q&A with Laura Greenwood of Laura Greenwood Therapies
I am joined by Laura Greenwood of Laura Greenwood Therapy, a CBT Psychotherapist and Matrescence Coach. Laura talks about Matrescence, Perinatal Mental Health (PMH) and the signs of PMH as opposed to Matrescence.