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Birth Empowerment

Providing you with fact-based information about your birth, your body (physical and emotional) and the healthcare system to help you plan for a positive and empowered birth experience.

Image by lucas Favre

The Birth Empowerment workshop does what it says on the tin, it provides you with fact based information about birth, your body (physical and emotional) and the healthcare system to help you plan for a more positive and empowered birth experience.

The workshop lasts around 3-4 hours and can be delivered online or in person (depending upon your location). 


Topics covered include:

Due dates, induction and the 40 week "recommendation"

Stages of labour & signs

Birth hormones 

The fear, tension, pain cycle & muscles of the uterus

Other mammals & birth

Position of baby

A 'Gentle Caesarean'

Protecting your body (perineal massage, Kegels, active labour)

Breathing for birth

Affirmations and why we use them

Positions for birth 

Decision Making Tools

The role of the midwife vs obstetrician

What to expect in different birth environments 

Creating an oxytocin anchor

Useful relaxation techniques 

The 'Golden Hour'

Creating your birth plan & birth template


During our time together, we will also talk about your expectations for birth, your previous experience (where applicable) and any concerns and hopes that you have. 

You will be guided through some wonderful relaxations to support fear release and birth confidence. 

Note: This is not a hypnobirthing course and instead provides you with information and tips to help work towards feeling more confident and empowered. 


Note: Where you are able to find the time and are in a position to consider the full KG Hypnobirthing course, this would always be my recommendation as hypnobirthing works deeply to target anxieties that we have around birth and helps to reprogram our thoughts about birth with positive and fact-filled evidence. When booking me for 1:1 support, this can be arranged in a way that suits you and your other commitments and can be spread out or condensed.

If you are unable to fit in a full hypnobirthing course, I would recommend completing the Birth Empowerment course and purchasing a hypnobirthing book, such as The Hypnobirthing Book by Katharine Graves. 

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