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3 Step Rewind

3 Step Rewind is a gentle and effective process based upon Neuro-Linguistic Programming that helps to lift trauma and phobia responses.

Release that which no longer serves you. 

Image by Paola Chaaya

Do you regularly find that you replay the birth of your baby over and over in your head? 

Perhaps instead you experienced difficulties during pregnancy, or following the birth of your baby that keep returning to haunt you?

Are there past experiences or phobias preventing you from trying for a family, despite wanting nothing more?


At Birthscapes I specialise in supporting clients who have experienced perinatal difficulties or trauma, as well as phobias that continue to affect them and weigh heavy using the 3 Step Rewind Technique. 


3 Step Rewind is a gentle and effective process where someone is guided into a state of deep relaxation and powerful changes take place reducing or even removing the trauma or phobia response altogether.
The technique works by allowing the individual, whilst in a safe relaxed state, to reprocess the traumatic / difficult memory so that it is shifted in the brain from the amygdala to the neocortex. It is then stored as an 'ordinary' and non- threatening memory rather than one that continually activates the fear response. 


3 Step Rewind and perinatal difficulties:

As many as one in five women develop a mental illness during pregnancy or in the first year after birth. Yet so many women / birthing persons will not even be accounted for as we slip through the net,  particularly where there are no previously diagnosed mental health difficulties and without any specific birth or perinatal trauma assessments completed via the NHS. 


Perinatal trauma includes but is not limited to:

  • Fertility difficulties 

  • Miscarriage / loss 

  • Pregnancy

  • Birth 

  • Postnatal difficulties 

  • Breastfeeding difficulties / grief

  • Perinatal / Postpartum mental health 

  • NICU support

  • Experiences as an expectant or new parent as a result of the pandemic 

  • Tokophobia / fear of needles / fear of hospitals and other related phobias


Within the UK alone it is estimated that around 30,000 women each year experience diagnosable birth trauma (PTSD) and that over 200,000 women would describe their experience as traumatic.


Birth trauma may relate to:

  • Physical trauma (baby / mum / birthing person)

  • Not being listened to / being ignored

  • Birthing alone / without support of partner or other chosen person

  • Coercion

  • Lack of privacy / dignity

  • High levels of medical intervention

  • Poor pain relief

  • Lengthy labour / short and painful labour

  • Induction

  • Fear for baby's safety / life

  • Stillbirth

  • Poor postnatal care

  • Previous trauma (e.g. childhood, previous birth, domestic violence)


It has been found that almost half of women who start out breastfeeding in the UK, have stopped by six weeks. As many as 90% of these women report that they were not ready to stop, and would have liked to continue their journey with the appropriate support. For many women any mention of breastfeeding reminds them of physical and emotional pain, anxiety and a lack of support. 


Any trauma whether relating to birth or the wider perinatal period is likely to cause psychological distress, intense fear, a sense of helplessness, increased risk of anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (BMC Psychiatry, 2021). Yet globally, women are so often expected to shoulder these difficulties and told that "as long as baby is healthy that's all that matters", or "other people go through this too". And whilst this may be the case, this does not take away the heartache, sadness, regret, anxiety or fear that we may experience and although we may try to push those feelings down and ignore the memories, this can often lead to them coming back far louder and affecting us in so many ways, often by:


  • Re-experiencing symptoms (including flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, reoccurring dreams or nightmares, or a feeling of continually re-living the event)

  • Avoidance symptoms (avoiding any associated reminders of the trauma including pushing away conversations or thoughts, loss of memory about certain aspects of the trauma, detachment or numbness, a feeling of hopelessness about the future)

  • Increased arousal (difficulty falling / staying asleep, irritability, anger, hyper-vigilance, feeling jumpy, difficulty concentrating)


You matter and your experience matters!  

It is so very important to tackle any trauma or heaviness that continues to pervade in order to be the person we want to be and the parent our children deserve. 


The 3 Step Rewind process is extremely effective and gentle, and is generally complete over 3 sessions. As such, I offer single online sessions at £65 each or my online package consisting of 3x sessions and mp3 relaxation at £150. 


I find that my clients contact me often rating the intensity of their trauma / experience as somewhere between 6-10/10 and by the end of our three sessions this reduces to around 0-3/10, providing a significant difference. The memory remains but no longer results in the same reaction. 


My clients often find this is the first time they have really had the opportunity to tell their story in a safe and private space without judgement, where they are listened to and really heard, providing so much validation and comfort in itself.


I frequently receive feedback from my clients where they report feeling lighter, more positive, present, and more easily able to interact in the way that they want with their children and loved ones, moving forwards with a newfound sense of optimism and hope... a feeling that the weight previously burdening them has been lifted and released. And what's more, it is never too late to 'Rewind' whether weeks, months or even decades later. 





Katy helped me so much with the 3 step rewind programme, very understanding and patient and genuinely cares. Working through the process with Katy helped me deal with past experience and have a much more positive birth experience with my second child. Thank you x


Katy was completely professional as well as warm and welcoming during my 3 step rewind sessions.
It was so good to have a safe space and some scheduled sessions for myself to work on some complicated emotions and memories linked to my pregnancy and birth experience.

I had a lot of anxieties and struggles in relationships with my daughter and husband following a premature labour and emergency c section and the extremely difficult experience of hyperemesis which restricted me from fully engaging in my pregnancy.



After some initial conversations with Katy I was particularly interested in the rewind method and I embarked on three sessions one to one virtually with Katy.
I was not sure what I was expecting if I am honest, especially doing it online! But to feel so relaxed, held and at times feeling utter joy was not what I had anticipated!

Following the sessions, I feel so much more confident that no matter what happens I can get through this time. I recognise the tools I have already to help me get through this uncertain time, I am not reliving the pain I experienced and I just can't recommend the service enough!


I had several sessions with Katy after the birth of my second child I had antenatal depression and had built up in my head some experiences from my first birth and pregnancy which were affecting my mood.

Katy was professional kind and had a warm personality which made the sessions easy to settle in to. I found the techniques really calming and also found it a safe space to discuss my feelings.

I had positive results from the sessions and this gave me a feeling of calm and a sense of closure on my experience. I would highly recommend these sessions for anyone suffering from both trauma or a difficult pregnancy or birth.
I am very grateful to Katy for helping me through this time with kindness and know she will be able to help many women


Image by Jonathan Gallegos
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