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KG Hypnobirthing

A Better Birth

KG Hypnobirthing is the original hypnobirthing programme with RCM accreditation, created by Katharine Graves.

It is a childbirth preparation method that provides comprehensive education upon the body's birthing abilities, birth rights and the healthcare system.


Hypnobirthing helps the birth-parent connect with their natural instincts, enabling them to have a safe, gentle and comfortable birthing experience, whilst feeling calm, confident and in control.


Hypnobirthing creates an integral role for the birth partner, instilling a sense of confidence and helping to develop their role during the birth, whilst deepening the relationship between birth-parent, birth partner and baby.


"Peace on earth, begins with birth", Liz Nightingale 



Image by Daniel
KGHypnobirthing: About

What's included?

1. A full antenatal course to prepare you for the birth of your baby and early parenthood

2. Hypnobirthing techniques for a calm and relaxed birth experience

3. A copy of 'The Hypnobirthing Book' by Katharine Graves

4. Several downloadable relaxation MP3's

5. All course materials

6. A personalised birth preferences plan

*7. A mini goody bag [including a set of affirmation cards with private package or electronic copy of affirmation cards, postpartum planner and mindful birth art with online course]

8. Access to the invaluable Komu Beyond Birth Postnatal Course worth £30 [private package only]




Image by Alexandra Gorn
KGHypnobirthing: About Me

Price List

Take Your Pick



Group KG Hypnobirthing course (online)

Online group KG Hypnobirthing classes are a great way to meet other parents, without having to leave the comfort of your own home.

Joining provides you with the opportunity to start to build your valuable parenting tribe.


  • 4 sessions x 3 hours each (see my upcoming Events or contact me for dates a times)

  • Online webinar



Private KG Hypnobirthing Course (online)

Private KG Hypnobirthing courses are delivered online to you (and your birth partner) from the comfort of your own home. 

These sessions may be more suited to your needs if you prefer the intimacy of 1:1 support, or where you have a strict time schedule or are nearing the end of your pregnancy.


  • 2-4 sessions, totalling 12 hours (contact me to make enquiries regarding your needs)

  • Online webinar


Private KG Hypnobirthing Taster

If you're unsure if KG Hypnobirthing is for you, then why not book me for a private 60 minute taster session?
If you decide to go ahead with the course, then the £20 paid will be deducted off the total of the full course programme.

I also host group taster sessions throughout the year, please see my Events for details of any forthcoming sessions.

*£210/ £250

Group KG Hypnobirthing course

(*online / in person)

Group KG Hypnobirthing classes are a great way to meet other parents.

Joining provides you with the opportunity to start to build your valuable parenting tribe.


Online groups are delivered from the comfort of your own home and group sessions are delivered from select venues within the North East and surrounding areas. 


  • 4 sessions x 3 hours each (see Events or contact me for dates a times)

  • Course Materials (copy of the Hypnobirthing Book by Katharine Graves & MP3 Relaxations)

  • Goody Bag

  • KOMU Beyond Birth Online Course (including Live Support from KOMU's Midwife)

  • Ongoing email support up to the birth of baby

  • Catch up via zoom / telephone following birth of baby (offered as part of service)


*£310 / £350

Private KG Hypnobirthing Course (*online / in person)

Private KG Hypnobirthing courses are delivered to you (and your birth partner) from the comfort of your own home. 


These sessions may be more suited to your needs if you prefer the intimacy of 1:1 support, or where you have a strict time schedule or are nearing the end of your pregnancy.


Many parents choose to have private support where they may have experienced previous birth trauma or have other concerns meaning that they benefit from extra knowledge, support and sensitivity.


  • 12 hours support arranged to best suit your needs (get in touch to make enquiries)

  • Course Materials (copy of the Hypnobirthing Book by Katharine Graves & MP3 Relaxations)

  • Goody Bag

  • KOMU Beyond Birth Online Course (including Live Support from KOMU's Midwife)

  • Additional support of up to 2.5 hours to cover any further questions that you may have, including birth and postpartum planning, as well as information regarding special circumstances (e.g. Gentle Cesarean Birth, Breech Birth, Gestational Diabetes, Induction)

  • Additional specific hypnobirthing recordings where required (e.g. for a Gentle Caesarean or Breech Birth)

  • Ongoing telephone and email support up to the birth of your baby

  • Birth debrief (offered as part of package)

  • Catch up following birth (offered as part of package)

  • Postpartum Wellbeing MP3 Relaxations

£25 / £50

Private KG Hypnobirthing Taster

(online / in person)

If you're unsure if KG Hypnobirthing is for you, then why not get in touch to book me for a private 60 minute taster session?

If you then go ahead with the course, the amount paid for your taster session will be deducted off the total cost.


I host regular group taster sessions throughout the year, please see my Events for details of any forthcoming sessions.

KGHypnobirthing: Price List

Hypnobirthing FAQs

What is KG Hypnobirthing?

KG Hypnobirthing is the UK's original hypnobirthing course. It is a complete antenatal programme delivered over 10-12 hours, which educates & prepares you for the birth of your baby. 


Hypnobirthing helps to release childbirth fear and anxieties that have built up over the course of our lifetime and are held within our conscious and subconscious.

Hypnobirthing helps to reprogram our thoughts and feelings about birth, instilling a sense of positivity and ‘calm confidence’ as you approach your baby's birth.


Releasing our birth-related fears has been shown to help the parent / birthing person to have a much more comfortable and empowered birth experience.


A KG Hypnobirthing course not only equips you with the hypnobirthing information, but gives you the knowledge to understand your rights and options, as well as considering the implications of any choices you make.

A KG Hypnobirthing parent is able to navigate the birth system they find themselves within, to achieve the best outcome for themselves and their baby. 


There are lots of budget courses online and hypnobirthing books, are they not just as effective?

Sadly, many practitioners now offer "crash" courses and budget courses to suit demand and what parents might prefer.


If we could all learn the same information and have the same experience by attending a half day course as opposed to a 12 hour course, then we're going to go for the shorter course, right?! But unfortunately when attending a short course, we are unlikely to get all of the information or have it delivered over time to us in a way that is embedded as effectively. This can put birth parents in a situation where if they do not have all the facts, then they may not be in the best position to decide and this can then lead to dissatisfaction and parents saying "if only I had known...". 


Having someone to talk things through with you, in relation to your own individual need is very different to watching pre-recorded videos or reading a book, there is no escaping that. Additionally, by investing in a course, the evidence shows that you are more likely to show up and complete it rather than buying a book or online course and deciding that you'll go back to it later.. but never quite managing that in the way that you'd like to or need to for the course to truly make a difference.


Ultimately if getting a book or doing the E-course is your only option, then do it! It will still have positive results where you are able to fully commit to it. But if I am asked if reading a book or doing an E-course is the same as doing the full KG Hypnobirthing course, my answer will always be no, they are not the same.


If you are unsure about taking the plunge regarding a full hypnobirthing course, why not come along to one of my taster sessions held online on a regular basis, or contact me to book a private taster session to be arranged at your convenience.



How will hypnobirthing affect my partner’s role during the birth?

Hypnobirthing creates an integral role for the birth partner, which can make him / her feel more useful and confident regarding the pregnancy and upcoming birth.


Hypnobirthing birth partners have better insight into what you as the mother / birthing parent are going through.


Hypnobirthing educates birth partners so that they are able to step into their role in effectively supporting the mother / birth parent and to act as the birth advocate. 


Hypnobirthing can enrich and deepen the relationship between the mother / birthing person and the birth partner, as well as with their own child during pregnancy and once baby is born.


Hypnobirthing relaxations can be very beneficial for your birth partner too in releasing any fears and anxiety around birth and breathing techniques may be used by a birth partner to remain calm in the lead up to and during your baby's birth.


'The hypnobirthing birth partner is ‘in tune with the vital work of birth, ready to nurture and protect the mother as she births her child and to receive the baby with joy and love…’ (Katharine Graves, The Hypnobirthing Book)

When should I start?

It is never too early or late to start KG Hypnobirthing. An understanding of the techniques can help you at any stage of your pregnancy, however, the longer you have to practice, the better.


If you are able, it is advisable to do the course in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Many parents consider hypnobirthing following their 20 week scan.

Hypnobirthing can however be complete at any stage during your pregnancy and if you want to do a course any earlier than this, there can only be positives to this. Hypnobirthing provides numerous benefits during pregnancy as well as in relation to the birth of your baby, though you may wish to wait until after 12 weeks before considering a hypnobirthing course.

Ultimately, there really is no "right time", and as long as you do the course and put the work in, you will reap the benefits. 


A lot of women study hypnobirthing past 34 weeks of their pregnancy, perhaps because they are getting closer to their due date and so start to research their birth options and decide that they would like to invest in this for themselves and their baby.


Learning from 34 weeks onwards admittedly does not give as much time to practice, however some practice is always better than none and there is still sufficient time to complete the course.

Some parents decide to book onto hypnobirthing courses merely days before the birth of their baby and have still felt it was extremely worthwhile and beneficial to their birth experience.


Where it is possible to, please consider signing up to a hypnobirthing course sooner rather than later to allow plenty of time to relax as you approach your baby's birth rather than worrying about whether you will fit a course in before your baby arrives. 


Note: If you are short on time, then booking me for 1:1 support online or in the comfort of your home (if based within the North East, UK) may be the answer, or you may wish to consider my Before Birth Mindful Wellbeing and Positive Birth Preparation course, or my Birth Empowerment course. Get in touch for more information. 

Is Hypnobirthing safe?

Hypnobirthing is 100% safe. 

Note: In very rare cases hypnosis may cause side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness or headaches or where there is an underlying health condition, the participant may experience feelings of anxiety or similar. However, hypnobirthing does not involve any trance, and as such the mother / birth-parent is in control throughout and can end the exercise / relaxation if experiencing any discomfort.


As with anything, in doubt, consult with your GP or community midwife.

I don't have a birth partner, can I still do hypnobirthing?

Many women / birth-parents come to the course on their own. It may be that their partner is away on business, they may be a single parent, if they have other children it may be that they do not have a babysitter, or there may be many other reasons for coming to the class alone.  


KG Hypnobirthing works and whatever your circumstance, you are very welcome. 

You already have everything you need to birth your baby and hypnobirthing will increase your understanding of your body's birthing abilities and will increase your confidence.


Many midwives and other healthcare professionals are now aware of the massive benefits of hypnobirthing, with KG Hypnobirthing being accredited by the Royal College of Midwives (RCM). 


Note: If you do not have a birth-partner, you would be welcome to bring a friend, family member, doula or anyone else that you would like along with you for company, even if they are not necessarily supporting you on the day of your birth. 


I am planning to have a caesarean (C-section), can I still use hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is for all births!


Hypnobirthing can turn what may otherwise be a scary and clinical experience into a safe and empowering one. Knowing how to have a calm, confident and informed C-section experience is more likely to allow for a positive birth experience, even if your birth takes an unexpected turn. 


What you learn during a KG Hypnobirthing course is very relevant for you if you need to have a C-section and you will most definitely be able to use some, if not all, of your KG Hypnobirthing tools in the operating theatre. Most theatres have CD players / iPod docs and speakers so that you will be able to start listening to your KG Hypnobirthing MP3 as soon as you enter the room.


Note: I offer a personalised private Hypnobirthing course with additional information and support when planning for a Gentle Caesarean birth, please contact me to find out more.

I'd love to do hypnobirthing, but I am unable to afford the course cost.

I totally appreciate that this can be a lot of money to part with at once and that due to this many parents may hesitate when it comes to booking, however if you book the course well in advance of your baby's birth then you are able to spread payment out. I only ask that full payment is made a week before the start date.


Many of us think nothing of going for meals out, taking a holiday away, going to the hairdressers, and when it comes to our baby, buying the best things we can afford (buggy, car seat etc). 


There does however still seem to be some hesitance around investing in our babies births. Perhaps this is because we don't yet know how much we want the course or need it until the birth happens.


It is however vital to consider that our baby's birth is something that stays with us forever and so really is the most important thing to invest in. We will always remember our baby's birth, but we are very unlikely to remember the type of cot, pram or brand of clothing our baby's had.


One of the most important things about hypnobirthing is that hypnobirthing parents report that they feel more positive, empowered and confident regarding their baby's birth, whatever their birth may look like on the day. 

By knowing your options, you have options!


Where finances really do pose a barrier to accessing hypnobirthing, I am happy to chat with you to see if I might be able to help in any way at all. Please contact me to find out more.

I am close to my babies birth and do not think I can fit in a 12 hour course alongside my other commitments

I have a lot of parents contact me to enquire into hypnobirthing but when I mention that the course is 10-12 hours they wonder how they are going to fit this in. 

Booking 1:1 support may be the answer here, as you can then spread the course out or condense it in order to fit it into your schedule. Even if you have 6 days spare, if you can manage 1.5-2 hours over the course of those 6 days, you will have completed the full KG Hypnobirthing course!! As a former hypnobirthing mum I cannot rate the KG Hypnobirthing course highly enough.


I also deliver the Before Birth Mindful Wellbeing and Positive Birth Preparation course, both as a group course and privately on a 1:1 basis. This can be a very good option for parents who are unable to complete the full KG Hypnobirthing course. â€‹

















Or you may prefer to book onto my Birth Empowerment course for £160 online over 4 hours, or £180 if providing face to face support within the North East.

Note: This is not a hypnobirthing course (though we will discuss some relaxation techniques) but instead provides you with fact based information about birth, your body (physical and emotional) and the healthcare system to help you plan for a positive and empowered birth experience.


The Birth Empowerment course includes topics such as: birth hormones, the fear tension cycle & muscles of the uterus, other mammals, position of baby, a gentle caesarean, protecting your body during birth (perineal massage and kegals), due dates, induction & the 40 week "recommendation", breathing for birth, positions for birth, what labour looks like (contractions, stages and what to do, active labour), the golden hour, decision making tools, creating your birth plan & a birth template, creating an oxytocin anchor & other relaxation techniques, ending with a guided relaxation. 

You will receive access to the KOMU Beyond Birth online course to support you in preparing for birth and postpartum further.




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